About Us

Our School

With scientific responsibility and human sensitivity we have created a space that embraces the child with love, warmth and care that so much need has his tender age, in order to feel certainty and safety.

In our courtyard are installed modern and safe playground toys with European specifications. Our kitchen has all the specifications for fresh-healthy food preparation by the regulations from the sanitary services for food safety and for H.A.C.C.P. system.

The spacious air-conditioned rooms are adapted and equipped to cover the children needs, in order that his growth from all sides is absolutely developed.

Today in the season of fast rhythms and fluid values comes day nursery it gives experiences essential for the first children's age.

Our goal and aim is to help the infant to know his self, to communicate with the other and to affect bidirectional in the environment that lives.

Our attendance in the development of child is one basic experience that we selected. The colours that we learn in the first children's age, we want here in our school to change them in multicoloured beams that we would always remember for. And we and you and the children.

Kind regards,

Erma Onoufriou Michael P.F.C.S(Ch.D.C.Mngt.)-U.S.A